Types of SSL/TLS Certificates

Types of SSL/TLS Certificates

There are a few types of SSL/TLS certificates out there, and figuring them out may seem confusing at first, but understanding the different types of SSL/TLS certificates is very important for securing your website. These certificates ensure that all data exchanged between your visitors and your server is encrypted and safe. Here we aim to

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What is a SSL-TLS Cipher Suite

What is the SSL/TLS Cipher Suite?

The SSL/TLS Cipher Suite is one of the many cornerstones that keeps the Internet safe and helps to ensure that we have confidential and secure digital communications. This suite of cryptographic protocols is part of websites, applications, and networks, having the role of encrypting data exchanges, thus stopping malicious interception, and promoting trust among users.

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What is the SSL/TLS Protocol?

What is the SSL/TLS Protocol?

For many years now, the need for secure and private communication has been non-negotiable. On the Internet, this can be achieved thanks to the SSL/TLS protocols: indispensable mechanisms that work by ensuring that your data remains confidential and intact during its journey through the network. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and its successor TLS (Transport Layer

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